Silent Writing


Please join us and start your day by practicing Silent Writing! Whether you are working on your Morning Pages, a response to a prompt, or your ongoing projects, let’s spend an hour together writing. We’ll start by sharing a word, intention for the day, or other positive beginning, followed by a short inspirational passage or […]

Feedback Friday


Would you like to get outside eyes on your writing for a dedicated block of time? Are you getting closer to publishing a piece, but would like to elevate your work to the next level? Join us for Feedback Fridays to have your piece reviewed by other members!

Silent Writing


Please join us and start your day by practicing Silent Writing! Whether you are working on your Morning Pages, a response to a prompt, or your ongoing projects, let’s spend an hour together writing. We’ll start by sharing a word, intention for the day, or other positive beginning, followed by a short inspirational passage or […]

Solving The Artist's Dilemma With Amie McNee


You might already follow Amie McNee on Instagram, where she leads an inspiring global conversation with over 400k creatives. Or maybe you saw her live when she presented at last year's Writing Room retreat! On June 1st, Amie will be traveling from the UK to our San Francisco headquarters to offer a live, 5-hour workshop […]

Live Editing with Penguin Editor, Jake Morrissey


In this Industry Expert series, you'll submit a current summary of your writing project for a Penguin editor to review. Learn what industry expert Jake Morrissey looks for when he […]

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